On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 12:45, Priya S <priya579...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Should I come to command prompt & execute javac PasswordLogin.java or any

No, you cannot compile just one class, there are a lot of dependencies
between classes. That's what maven is for, it will compile the whole
DSpace for you including your changes. So you can just use "mvn
package" and "ant update" as described in DSpace documentation.

Furthermore, it's not a good idea in the long term to just change the
.java files in their defaut locations. You should use overlays as
described here:

I don't have experience with Eclipse, but I'm sure it has some
shortcuts to speed up the building cycle. Perhaps this will help you
set up the DSpace development environment in Eclipse:


Here's also some more generic advice on building DSpace (outside of Eclipse):



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