Many thanks Helix, its fixed now. But its displaying the individual data
files instead of data packages. I understand from Dryad that one of the
filterQuery settings is location:l2. This specifies the search should only
return items from tne "l2" collection(which is SOLR's designation for the
data package collection.)

So in dspace-solr-search.cfg, the settings are like this,


Sorting is controlled by some other parameter in dspace.cfg?. I am just
trying to get something from the URL which you sent. But not
succeeding...everything looks fine when I compare the settings. Could you
please point out where I did the mistake.

Should I do anything with this in dspace.cfg?.
#recent.submissions.sort-option = recentpkgs

Thank u once again.


On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 1:44 PM, helix84 <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Priya S <>
> wrote:
> > This is dryad customised dspace, my ex-colleage told me that it can be
> > compared with version 1.6. Hence I have mentioned that its 1.6, may be
> 1.7
> > equivalent. I am not sure about this. Sorry for confusing you.
> Well, Dryad is a heavily customized version which forked in 1.5, I
> think. Not directly comparable to the newer versions of DSpace.
> > Could you please tell me where would I make changes when discovery is
> > enabled.
> This is documentation for 1.8, I don't think Discovery in 1.7 allowed
> you to configure recent submissions.
> Also read Enabling Discovery 2.b)
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
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