
Yes, I think structure-builder is guilty as charged on all counts, just wanted 
to make sure you were aware of it.


On Jan 5, 2013, at 7:28 AM, Mark Ehle wrote:

Oops - make that 3. It would be handy to export an existing structure.

On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 7:18 AM, Mark Ehle 
<<>> wrote:
Richard - yup, I am using structure-builder. I might be wrong, but I think it 
has two shortcomings:

1) It won't allow you to build a structure under an existing collection. I am 
having to build a top-level community, and then use community-filiator to move 
it under where I want.


2) It won't let you build a collection by itself. It would be handy (for me 
anyway) to make an structure xml file of just a collection and then use a 
command to slot it under an existing community.

Like I posted before, I am able to use an empty METS package file (a zip with 
just mets.xml in it) and by using the packager command, I can create an empty 
collection under where I want it to go. It's a few extra steps, but it works. 
However, I have not found a way to script the creation of a sub-community 
without having to move it after it's creation.



On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 11:12 PM, Richard Rodgers 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Mark:

Have you looked at StructBuilder, command-line tool used to create Communities 
& Collections from XML files:

Not sure if this fits your needs, but might be worth examining,

Hope this helps,

Richard R

On Jan 4, 2013, at 8:00 PM, Mark Ehle wrote:

Folks -

I need a way to create an empty collection from the command line. We are 
automating the ingestion of newspaper PDF's and the structure-build command 
will allow me to do everything I need except create a collection by itself in a 
separate step. The community that the collection belongs to will already be 

I'm using Dspace 3.0 on Ubuntu 12.10 server.

Any ideas?

Thanks again!

Mark Ehle
Computer Support Librarian
Willard Library
Battle Creek, MI
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