Hey, Helix.

Here's the full stack trace, including the "Caused by": 

My mail.* properties from dspace.cfg:

    # SMTP mail server
    mail.server = smtp.serv.cgnet.com
    # SMTP mail server authentication username and password (if required)
    mail.server.username =
    mail.server.password =
    # SMTP mail server alternate port (defaults to 25)
    mail.server.port = 25
    mail.from.address = cgspace-supp...@cgiar.org
    mail.admin = a.o...@cgiar.org
    # Recipient for new user registration emails
    # Set the default mail character set. This may be overridden by
    providing a line
    # inside the email template "charset: <encoding>", otherwise this
    default is used.
    mail.charset = UTF-8
    # A comma-separated list of hostnames that are allowed to refer
    browsers to email forms.
    mail.allowed.referrers = cgspace.cgiar.org
    # Pass extra settings to the Java mail library. Comma-separated,
    equals sign between
    #mail.extraproperties = mail.smtp.socketFactory.port=465, \
    # mail.smtp.socketFactory.class=javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory, \
    #                       mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback=false
    # An option is added to disable the mailserver. By default, this
    property is set to false
    # By setting mail.server.disabled = true, DSpace will not send out
    # It will instead log the subject of the email which should have
    been sent
    #mail.server.disabled = false
    # By default RSS feeds, OAI-PMH and subscription emails will include
    ALL items
    # For backwards compatibility, the subscription emails by default
    include any modified items
    # uncomment the following entry for only new items to be emailed
    # since that usually contains email addresses which ought to be kept

If I recall correctly we upgraded from DSpace 1.8 -> 3.1 in March, but 
one user reported that emails were working last month (April).  On the 
server side, I can't think of anything (it's Debian 6.0, so not much new 
packages these days).  We did switch to using build.properties (one for 
dev and production) with a common dspace.cfg, though... I will try to 
use our old config file maybe...



On 05/21/2013 02:45 PM, helix84 wrote:
> Isn't there a "Caused by" line just after the snippet you sent?
> I'm baffled why sending email from DSpace wouldn't work when using
> test-email works - both use the same send() method of the
> org.dspace.core.Email class. The only difference is that one is
> launched from command line, the other one from Tomcat.
> Can you think of any changes you made between when the email last
> worked and now?
> Also attach your mail.* properties from dspace.cfg. We're looking for
> an inconspicuous problem here.
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
> Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette
> https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/Mailing+List+Etiquette

Alan Orth
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