To anyone following along, Ben Ryan's description below is spot-on. It
would be worth copying part of his message into the documentation. If I
feel sufficiently full of pique, I might do so myself, though my day is
pretty full of distractions already... I won't be offended if someone
beats me to it. 

University of Missouri Library Systems
"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how
to do it." --Pablo Picasso

On 6/10/13 9:57 AM, "Benjamin Ryan" <> wrote:

>       The lazysession.loginurl refers to the Shibboleth request initiator
>endpoint that is configured for the Shibboleth Service Provider (ShibSP)
>that you are using.
>       This configuration is done by the administrators of the "federation"
>that you belong to
>       The lazysession.loginurl is appended to the domain name the machine that
>your Dspace instance is running on e.g.
>       If you access this URL the browser will be re-directed to the
>"Discovery" service (another end point that has to be configured for your
>ShibSP) that allows the user to choose the institution at which they want
>to authenticate. In my case I choose The University of Manchester as that
>is where I have an account and the Shibboleth Identity Provider (ShibIDP)
>will provide information to the ShibSP that is then passed through the
>web server to the application server where it is available for DSpace to
>       As Shibboleth is designed to able to be used to protect many different
>types of web services without affecting those services Dspace only has
>the need to know where the browser should be re-directed to so that a
>Shibboleth session can be established e.g. the lazysession.loginurl and
>the mapping from the Authentication headers passed through to Dspace to
>the Dspace specific parameters that are used to determine whether a user
>can be authenticated e.g.
># Authentication headers for Mail, NetID, and Tomcat's Remote User.
># Supply all parameters possible.
>netid-header = net-id
>email-header = SHIB-MAIL
>email-use-tomcat-remote-user = false
>The authenticate headers are defined in the Shibboleth configuration
>(attribute-map.xml) and take the form:
><Attribute name="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent"
>        <AttributeDecoder xsi:type="NameIDAttributeDecoder"
>The value of the id attribute is up to you but must match the one in the
>Dspace Shibboleth configuration file.
>To get Dspace to work with Shibboleth is straight forward if you have
>access to the relevant information about how the ShibSP you intend to use
>is configured. It is out of scope for the Dspace documentation to contain
>detailed information on the setup and configuration of the Shibboleth
>system as this is a very complex area (I know, I have had to do all the
>configuration of both Dspace and Shibboleth).
>       Ben
>Dr Ben Ryan
>Jorum Technical Manager
>5.12 Roscoe Building
>The University of Manchester
>Oxford Road
>M13 9PL
>Tel: 0160 275 6039
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Richard Sims []
>Sent: 10 June 2013 14:57
>To: DSpace Tech
>Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] lazysession.loginurl?
>Thanks for your quick response...
>On Jun 10, 2013, at 9:28 AM, helix84 <>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Richard Sims <> wrote:
>>> Shibboleth configuration has greatly changed since DSpace 1.7. In 3.x
>>>there is configuration File
>>>[dspace]/config/modules/authentication-shibboleth.cfg. In it, there is
>>>a lazysession.loginurl parameter. Unfortunately, there is no useful
>>>documentation on the parameter so as to provide any perspective or
>>>guidance on what value to provide, saying only that it is "The url to
>>>start a shibboleth session". And no customer examples can be found on
>>>the Web.
>> Hi Richard,
>> in fact, there were no code changes to the Shibboleth module between
>> DSpace 1.8.2 and 3.0, which you can verify using:
>> git diff dspace-1.8.2 dspace-3.0 --
>> dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/authenticate/ShibAuthentication.ja
>> va
>As I indicated, I have been attempting to bring our 1.7 implementation up
>to a 3.1 level. Across that void there have been substantial changes.
>> There is also documentation about lazy sessions and it includes the
>> authentication.shib.lazysession.loginurl parameter:
>> enticationPlugins-ConfiguringShibbolethAuthentication(DSpace1.8.1)
>That is the documentation I was referencing. It is useless as to this
>parameter. And its only example is:
>   lazysession.loginurl = /Shibboleth.sso/Login where it is obviously the
>case that the value is not a URL (no protocol spec up front). The example
>only obfuscates things further.
>Attempting to use the file as-is results in the Web browser getting:
>   HTTP Status 404 - /Shibboleth.sso/Login Changing the parameter value
>and restarting HTTPD and Tomcat make no difference: the error content is
>exactly the same.
>> If you need to find out the exact mechanism how it works in DSpace,
>> you can look at the source (the auth modules are very self-contained):
>> ava/org/dspace/authenticate/
>Please don't expect DSpace adopters to be Java programmers. It's bad
>enough that mortals have to delve into trees of XML files to make
>intricate changes.
>There needs to be straight-up, useful documentation of DSpace parameters.
>No one should have to spend hours trying to divine what cryptic
>parameters are all about. And I say this as someone who has been doing
>systems work and documentation for 30 years.
>Frankly, I'm appalled at how primitive DSpace is, and what people have to
>go through to tailor it. This is not 21st century stuff - it's more like
>what we went through in the 1980s to configure systems. DSpace is giving
>open source software a bad reputation in having gross deficiencies like
>> There is some more documentation about lazy sessions here:
>Again, this is not explaining the DSpace parameter, and is not a
>substitute for DSpace documentation imparting understanding as it is
>supposed to.
>If someone on the mailing list understands this parameter, I would
>appreciate receiving some perspective on it.
>> Regards,
>> ~~helix84
>> Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette
>Richard Sims
>Sr. Systems Engineer, Information Services & Technology Boston University
>T (617)353-8249
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