
   Another way is just dump the database and upload it in the another bd
(If you are using postegres):
   => http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/app-pgdump.html

1th server
pg_dump > $HOME/exports/dspace-export-to-another-server.sql

2th  server
shutdown the tomcat
dropdb -U dspace "name of Dspace_DB"
createdb -U dspace -E UNICODE "name of Dspace_DB" -T template0
psql -U dspace "name of Dspace_DB" <
startup the tomcat

You can even use the rsync to copu the file from one server to another.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 2:14 AM, Kosmas Kaifel <kosmas.kai...@uni-ulm.de>

>  Hi,
> I think the best way in this case is you export the whole database from
> server A
> and import this export into server B.
> You can do this wiht tools from the DB-Developer.
> Nice greatings Kosmas
> Am 29.07.2015 um 15:33 schrieb Mark H. Wood:
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 01:46:00PM +0300, Mansoor Ali wrote:
>  Iam really thankful if any one would help me in this case.
> Iam trying this to implement on windows.
> I want to create two instances for dspace-5.2-src-release and to keep both
> the instances in two different servers called ServerA & ServerB and my main
> intention is to view the same data from both instances so please any body
> have a solution for this case or what will be the best way to view the same
> data from two instance which are on two different Servers and these two
> servers are connected to a single DB server & a single assetstore.
>  I have not tried to build such a system, but here is what I would do.
> The two instances of DSpace should in this case use a single database,
> not two separate databases.  That is:  db.url should be the same for
> both.
> The shared assetstore should be in a filesystem that can coordinate
> concurrent use across a cluster of hosts and is configured to do so.
> It appears to me that you are running your DSpaces on MS Windows, and
> I haven't touched a Windows server in years so I don't have any good
> specific advice on that.
> The behavior that you see with two separate databases, even though
> stored in the same DBMS instance, is what I would expect.  The
> database is how DSpace knows what it has and where to find it.
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> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
> Universität Ulm
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