On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 04:00:03PM +0300, Орхан Касумов wrote:
>    A colleague of mine said that the way I'm training DSPAM is not correct.
>    In my setup, when a user moves a message from "Inbox" folder to "DSPAM"
>    folder or vice versa,
>    DSPAM client installed on the same VM as the IMAP server connects to the
>    DSPAM server (on a separate VM) and retrains DSPAM.
>    Although it works, my colleague says that DSPAM client should not connect
>    back to the DSPAM server;
>    instead it should connect to the MySQL server (yet another separate VM)
>    and change database records classifying the message as either "Spam" or
>    "Innocent".

This sounds logical, but requires the client to have knowledge of the
storage backend used and the credentials used to access that. The server
already knows all that, though. It's actually simpler / more secure for the
dspam client to connect to the dspam server. This keeps all the
database access code out of the client, for example.

>    Frankly, I've never thought that such a setup could be possible, but after
>    some thought, this started to seem logical to me.
>    Is it a feasible way of DSPAM training? Has anyone already implemented it
>    in that way? Please share.
>    Thanks in advance!

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