
I really don't know why that I receive so much spam. I am really  
tired of it. I don't care what Ellen DeGeneres face looks like, or  
how much weight Rachael Ray has lost. I don't need pictures of nude,  
or almost nude, people sent to me. I don't need and won't be using  
any products sold by GNC after receiving hundreds of emails from them  
every day. In fact, I have thought about putting in a rule into  
procmailrc that if an email has GNC in the subject line, then it gets  
forwarded to a GNC email address. If you can't tell, I am very upset.  
After working a 10 hour day and then spending another 2 1/2 hours  
driving, I come home to find thousands of junk emails. I really need  
to work on a website, or do something productive, but I can't because  
I have to go through the trash and see if there is a real email. This  
takes hours. Then I thought that dspam would be a solution, but  
really all it has done is made the problem worse. At first, it looked  
like dspam was working, but then I realized that I could not retrain.  
After doing more research I found where people were saying that you  
can not retrain with hash and toe, so I switched to tum. I did yet  
another corpus train, and after a very short time of retraining (less  
than an hour) dspam was pulling out almost all the spam. I had  
thought that I had taken back my inbox. Then after 12 hours, dspam  
crashed and the css was corrupted. So, I tried it again. Same  
results. Even if I don't retrain, it crashes after about 12 hours. It  
worked so well, why can't it just work that way all the time? I then  
moved dspam from procmailrc to master.cf. Well, this stopped the  
crashing, still retraining doesn't work if I use an ExtLookup even  
with dspam-retrain-forward.pl. In fact, dspam-retrain-forward.pl  
crashes the main dspam process. I checked and rechecked to make sure  
it was working. I could run the extrlookup script just fine from the  
command line. Things are worse with dspam integrated directly into  
postfix, because after a short time the system was 0% idle with dspam  
and postfix using all the cpu. Yet, it uses almost no cpu with dspam  
in procmail. Dspam seemed to bounce the good emails and deliver the  
spam. I still don't know what happened to all the emails. I am not  
sure if the problem was because it was bouncing emails, or if they  
were being deferred. Many, many deferred emails. So, I put it back  
into procmailrc. I also added to my procmailrc some rules so the more  
nasty emails get deleted. Still, it is far from being effective.  
There has been may times that I thought that I had dspam working. I  
just want all the spam to go away. Is there any hope of making dspam  
work on my mail server?

Kind Regards,

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