
On Jun 11, 2015, at 7:06 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:

> On 06/11/15 16:07, Al Zick wrote:
>> I really don't know why that I receive so much spam. I am really
>> tired of it. I don't care what Ellen DeGeneres face looks like, or
>> how much weight Rachael Ray has lost.
> [...]
>> At first, it looked
>> like dspam was working, but then I realized that I could not retrain.
>> After doing more research I found where people were saying that you
>> can not retrain with hash and toe, so I switched to tum.
> Why are you using hash storage?  Even if you don't have a real DB  
> engine
> installed that you can use, is sqlite not an option for some reason?
> If you can, try sqlite.  But...

I don't have mysql installed on this server, but I do have it  
installed on another server. However, getting dspam compiled with  
mysql driver support isn't as easy.

>> I did yet
>> another corpus train, and after a very short time of retraining (less
>> than an hour) dspam was pulling out almost all the spam. I had
>> thought that I had taken back my inbox. Then after 12 hours, dspam
>> crashed and the css was corrupted.
> "Dspam crashed and the CSS was corrupted"?  It sounds as though you  
> have
> more serious problems than just Dspam not working as you want it  
> to.  If
> files that are never written to after installation are being  
> corrupted,
> you almost certainly have either a hardware problem, a filesystem
> problem, or a malware problem.

Well, it runs fine with TOE. However, as soon as I switch to TUM it  
crashes shortly after and if I do another corpus training with TUM  
then it crashes after 12 hours. However, retraining works with TUM  
for that short time. I am wondering if this may have something to do  
with the way I am doing the corpus training. Also, I was calling  
dspam from procmail. I now have dspam successfully integrated into  
postfix. Maybe this will make a difference. Still, the documentation  
that I have with NetBSD recommends mysql even for a small install. I  
really wonder if there is no real way to make hash work on NetBSD.

>> There has been may times that I thought that I had dspam working. I
>> just want all the spam to go away. Is there any hope of making dspam
>> work on my mail server?
> I have Dspam and Postfix working together fine, with currently 99.493%
> overall accuracy over almost 200,000 messages delivered.

That is very accurate. It does seem very effect for me when using  
TUM, but not with TOE. However, it crashes with TUM. This just adds  
to my frustration.

Kind regards,

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