Hello Ken,
Thank you again.
I made another test with another sender and I can see the token now.

But my real problem is another thing. I have a client that has a web form, it 
works fine, the message goes directly to inbox (he sent to me an example), when 
somebody reply the web form message, my dspam tagged this with spam, 
everything. I can not use whitelist (he has hundreds clients that receives this 
form) or increase the Innocent hits.

I suspect that my dspam is not training or doesn't consider the ham/spam hits 
in dspam_token_data table.
The number of update and insert is too low in mysql server.

----- Mensagem original -----
De: "ktm" <k...@rice.edu>
Para: dspam-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Enviadas: Terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2015 15:55:05
Assunto: Re: [Dspam-user] The tokens is not going to database

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 03:38:26PM -0300, Alfredo Saldanha wrote: 
> I've been used dspam_crc to get token information. 
> I get the "from" by system.log in dspam directory as below: 
> 1434635458 I "DOUGLAS TORRES " <douglastor...@domain.com.br> 
> 321,5582ccc2180614948014227 Lida:_ORÇAMENTO_DE_SEGURO_AUTOMÓ Delivered 
> <00e201d0a9cd$c6b00a80$54101f80$@domain.com.br> 
> # dspam_crc 'From*"DOUGLAS TORRES" <douglastor...@domain.com.br>' 
> TOKEN: 'From*"DOUGLAS TORRES" <douglastor...@domain.com.br>' CRC: 
> 12104146969136729772 
> > SELECT * FROM dspam_token_data WHERE token='12104146969136729772'; 
> +-----+----------------------+-----------+---------------+------------+ 
> | uid | token | spam_hits | innocent_hits | last_hit | 
> +-----+----------------------+-----------+---------------+------------+ 
> | 321 | 12104146969136729772 | 0 | 1458 | 2015-05-11 | 
> +-----+----------------------+-----------+---------------+------------+ 
> 1 row in set (5.97 sec) 
> But, I have a case that in system.log is different, there is only the name of 
> sender (no email address) as you see below: 
> 1435081484 S "Alessandra Range" 321,55899b0c95772809011008 Re: ORÇAMENTO DE 
> SEGURO AUTOMÓVEL Delivered <oid_1435081440378417_0alessara...@domain.com.br> 
> # dspam_crc 'From*"Alessandra Range"' 
> TOKEN: 'From*"Alessandra Range"' CRC: 5333441504094406011 
> > SELECT * FROM dspam_token_data WHERE token='5333441504094406011'; 
> Empty set (5.31 sec) 
> Where I made mistakes? 
> Thank you. 


"Alessandra Range" is not a valid From: address. I have not checked the source 
code, but it 
is completely possible that a correct address is needed to store a token. You 
have definitely 
proven that that token is NOT stored. 


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