On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 06:43:00PM -0300, Alfredo Saldanha wrote:
> Hello Ken,
> Thank you again.
> I made another test with another sender and I can see the token now.
> But my real problem is another thing. I have a client that has a web form, it 
> works fine, the message goes directly to inbox (he sent to me an example), 
> when somebody reply the web form message, my dspam tagged this with spam, 
> everything. I can not use whitelist (he has hundreds clients that receives 
> this form) or increase the Innocent hits.
> I suspect that my dspam is not training or doesn't consider the ham/spam hits 
> in dspam_token_data table.
> The number of update and insert is too low in mysql server.


For the reply messages, the content will have to register as not spam. I would
recommend training using typical and reasonable replies to get the 
level up. If someone replies using the form with a spam message, you want it to
be detected. Otherwise, by-pass dspam for the form return address.


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