
you need to post more information. How does DSPAM know that you moved from spam to inbox? Do you have a plugin or anything else that detects the re-classification?

 Kind Regards from Switzerland,

 Stevan Bajić

On 04.01.2018 17:49, ITwrx.org wrote:
when moving ham from thunderbird's junk folder(by marking it as "not
junk") dspam never learns and continually marks new messages from same
sender as spam.

dspam log shows

Unable to find a valid signature. Aborting.
process_message returned error 114.  dropping message.
systemd journal shows:

Signature retrieval for '%s' failed
dspam[25001]: Unable to find a valid signature. Aborting.
dspam[25001]: process_message returned error -5.  dropping message.

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