On 01/04/2018 01:17 PM, Stevan Bajić via Dspam-user wrote:
> Hello,
> you need to post more information. How does DSPAM know that you moved
> from spam to inbox? Do you have a plugin or anything else that detects
> the re-classification?

i'm not sure how that part works so maybe i just never finished that
part of the config.

i'm using on server:


dovecot2-antispam-git v2.0.15.g649963a-1

dspam 3.10.2-14

mariadb 10.1.29-1

postfix 3.2.4-2


thunderbird 52.5.2-1

thunderbird is set to trust headers sent by dspam. i assumed(!) :) that
thunderbird would send useful data back to dspam via dovecot when
marking a message as ham. now i wonder if a plugin is required. if so,
does a working plugin exist for tbird? another linux client maybe?


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