Great news, Jonathan!

How about putting DSPAM under Trac/Subversion so it's easier to add tickets, track revisions, etc.?

On Mar 18, 2007, at 1:01 PM, Jonathan A. Zdziarski wrote:


I know it's been a long time since the last DSPAM release, and I've decided - after much testing over the past year - that it was good and appropriate to release the changes in CVS. Because the configuration has changed to some degree, and new features have been added, I thought it best to call this release 3.8.0 instead of 3.6.9, as I had been originally planning. Don't be fooled, though - it's very similar to 3.6, but has been optimized significantly and some important bugfixes have been made. It also sports some new features such as Bill Yerazunis' Orthogonal Sparse Bigram <OSB> tokenizer.

There are some very positive things happening with the project, and I'll be making an announcement soon that I think will answer a lot of questions and help the project move forward again out of the small slump it's been in. Until all ducks are in a row, though, I'm going to release 3.8.0 as an unofficial release. You can download it here:
MD5 (dspam-3.8.0.tar.gz) = 056b8c8b3ad9415a52c01b22ff1e64cf

Or grab it from (I haven't yet committed every last detail into the production CVS).


--Chris Ryland / Em Software, Inc. /

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