Can you post output of
postconf -m

Guillaume Hilt wrote:
My postfix isn't running in a chroot :)
  Guillaume Hilt

David Coffey a écrit :
Now i'm testing my mail server (postfx, dovecot, dspam, clamd and
virtual users).
I ran into this error :
postfix/qmgr[16174]: warning: connect to transport dspam: No such file
or directory

check_recipient_access pcre:/etc/postfix/dspam_incoming is in
dspam_incoming contain : (the path is good and owned by root:dspam on
/./     FILTER dspam:unix:/var/run/dspam/dspam.sock

I've done a postmap on this file and reloaded postfix configuration.

The user postfix is in dspam group.

It's working well on another mail server but I can't figure what I
forgot on this one :x

Postfix is probably running in a chroot, so it would not be able to
access anything outside of it.
You could try running postfix outside of a chroot

Or if you prefer to use the chroot you would want to change the
ServerDomainSocketPath to be underneath the chroot,
 such as ServerDomainSocketPath  "/var/spool/postfix/dspam/dspam.sock",
and also change the FILTER line to point to /dspam/dspam.sock as it
needs to be relative to the chroot directory
You will also want to make sure that the user running dspam can write
to  /var/spool/postfix/dspam directory



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