.. and remember that you can develop your own software to
talk to your own hardware and any remote servers/trusts/computers
can NOT tell you how to talk to your own hardware/controller.

That is the point about the Open software.
You are not bound by what others will say or force you to
buy or spend $300 for software to talk to your
own hardware that you already spent money to get it.

The D_STAR_Open_Source group

--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, "ham44865" <ham44...@...> wrote:
>   We have an Open G2 Gateway software that replaces the ICOM G2
> and there is no cost to it.
> --- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Radioman <radioman01@> wrote:
> >
> > BTW am i reading this right?  
> > did i need to buy the software? is the new open source G2
> > a no cost replacement for the 300 dollar CD from ICOM
> > 
> > Tony
> > NN1D

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