On Jan 19, 2010, at 3:40 PM, Jess wrote:

> What will it take to get folks here NOT to append hundreds of lines of 
> previous messages to their replies? I try to keep up with the Yahoo D-Star 
> groups on my Blackberry but it's impossible because that device limits the 
> size of an incoming email to something like 45-50KB. 

A return to the 1980s and 1200 baud modems.  Seriously, complain to Research in 
Motion or your carrier.  

A device that can't handle downloading the first X number of KB from messages 
and using only those (if it's truly so limited it can't download the full 
message) is outdated in today's e-mail environment.  People don't edit anymore, 
bandwidth has outstripped the need for that.

And I say this coming from two places -- one, as someone who DOES clip my 
messages, a habit built back on BBS's in the 1980's... and two, as an iPhone 
user.  It doesn't care.  Neither do Android or many other modern devices.  

Sorry your Blackberry's not up to speed.  ;-) ;-) ;-)

Nate Duehr


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