On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:16 PM, john_ke5c wrote:

> The error starting dsipsvd on a 64-bit Centos:
>> [r...@ke5rcs dsipsvd]# ./dsipsvd
>> ./dsipsvd: error while loading shared libraries: libpq.so.5: wrong ELF 
>> class: ELFCLASS64
> is resolved by installing the 32-bit library:
> [r...@ke5rcs ~]# yum install postgresql84-libs.i386
> ...
> Installed: postgresql84-libs.i386 0:8.4.4-1.el5_5.1
> Complete!
> G2, dstarmon, dprs, and dplus all seem to be running just fine.  Maybe 
> something will show downstream, but for now it seems that 64-bit Centos will 
> with the fix above.
> 73--John

This is what happens when a software manufacturer trying to dip their toe in 
the Linux waters, but doesn't know what they're doing.

They don't use the distro's pre-packaged binary packages for widely released 
things like PostgreSQL, and instead build them from source with an install 

There's a reason Linux distros went to binary packages with dependency systems 
wrapped around them oh...  in the mid 90's... :-)

http://web.archive.org/web/19961226191940/www.redhat.com/news/rhl4.0.html - 
RedHat 4 release notes saying that RPM 2.2.5 was included... in October of 1996.

http://web.archive.org/web/19970414140659/www.debian.org/about.html -- And 
Debian stating that their system could be upgraded "in-place" using their 
package manager, dpkg in March of 1997.

13-14 years ago... give or take, depending on which package manager you like... 

Since Icom picked a RedHat derivative distro, RPM packages should be the order 
of the day... and has been since 1996...

Nate Duehr, WY0X

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