On 3/5/14 10:57 , Mahmood Naderan wrote:
> You right about Truss because my observation shows that not all syscalls 
> reported in Dtrace's output present in the output of Truss (and vice 
> versa).

That's correct. truss has a logical view of system calls based generally
on entry points that are in section two of the manual page. However,
several of those are implemented in illumos with a single system call in
the kernel. There's a bit of that discussed in the DTrace guide at
http://dtrace.org/guide/chapter21.html in the section titled 'System
Call Anachronisms'.

> Thing is, I want to measure the impact of OS activity on 
> the user code. Firstly, I did a DTrace analysis (syscall provider) in 
> order to count the syscalls. For example,
> App1:
>    llseek   200
> App2:
>    lwp_park   100
> That means, App1 uses more syscalls compare to App2. The next question is 
> 200*time_of_one_call_llseek > 100*time_of_one_call_lwp_park
> or not.

To answer that I would consider doing something like:

dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry{ self->t = timestamp; }' -n
'syscall:::return/self->t/{ @[pid, probefunc] = sum(timestamp -
self->t); self->t = 0; }'

That will give you the total time that all of those system calls have
taken on a per-process basis.

Alternatively, you may want a distribute of the system calls. For that I
would look at things like quantize() and lquantize(). For example:

dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry{ self->t = timestamp; }' -n
'syscall:::return/self->t/{ @[pid, probefunc] = quantize(timestamp -
self->t); self->t = 0; }'

If you're trying to just get a basic sense of what your application is
doing and figuring out what's going on, I would highly suggest starting
with a flame graph. See http://brendangregg.com/flamegraphs.html for
more information.


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