Excuse me. I see that sc.d script shows different syscalls than the standard 
syscall provider example.

1) syscall example from oracle website
dtrace -n syscall:::entry'/pid == 31337/{ @syscalls[probefunc] = count(); }'

2) part of the sc.d which count syscalls

/pid == $target/
        @count[probefunc] = count();
        self->st[probefunc] = timestamp;

The only difference I see (timestamp is not related to the question) is the 
But these are variables and shouldn't produce different outputs.


On Thursday, March 6, 2014 2:26 AM, Mahmood Naderan <nt_mahm...@yahoo.com> 
You right about Truss because my observation shows that not all syscalls 
reported in Dtrace's output present in the output of Truss (and vice versa).

Thing is, I want to measure the impact of OS activity on the user code. 
Firstly, I did a DTrace analysis (syscall provider) in order to count the 
syscalls. For example,

   llseek   200
   lwp_park   100

That means, App1 uses more syscalls compare to App2. The next question is 

200*time_of_one_call_llseek > 100*time_of_one_call_lwp_park

or not.


On Wednesday, March 5, 2014 9:27 PM, Robert Mustacchi <r...@joyent.com> wrote:

On 3/5/14 9:53 , Mahmood Naderan wrote:
> Ok I found 'truss' command to be useful for my problem.
> Just one question, hope that somebody knows the answer. I know that this list 
> is not directly related to DTrace list.
> I used 'truss -c -p 1010' and the output is
> syscall               seconds   calls  errors
> write                    .005      77
> close     
               .000       1
> brk                      .000       8
> lwp_park                 .407    6631
> lwp_unpark               .246    5832
> sysconfig                .000       1
> yield                    .012     212
> llseek                   .000       1
> lwp_mutex_timedlock      .000       1
> open64                   .000 
> --------  ------   ----
> sys totals:              .672   12766      0
> usr time:             310.172
> elapsed:               33.990

truss should not be used for getting performance measurements, it's
overhead is really quite high. What exactly is it you want? Do you want
the sum of the amount of time that each system call is taking on a per
system-call basis, do you want the distribution on a per-system call
basis, something else?


> On Sunday, March 2, 2014 12:08 PM, Mahmood Naderan <nt_mahm...@yahoo.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I find the execution time of each syscall using DTrace (or any other 
> developers related tool)?
> For example, I can see
> fstat     100
> sendto  400
> brk  50
> I want to know which one has the largest overhead in the run time. 
> 100 * (execution of one fstat)
> or
> 400 * (execution of one sendto)
> or
> 50 * (execution of one brk)
> Any feedback is appreciated.
> Regards,
> Mahmood
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