Ok, let me summarize this: you want to have an easily customizable menu on the controller which can trigger local actions (on the Controller itself) as well as on the server (LMS). Is this correct?

Unfortunately that's not going to be an easy task. Because menus are either created on the server side using the "SlimBrowse" protocol, but then they cannot trigger any action to be executed on the Controller. See this bug report/feature request from many years ago:


Or you implement the menu in Lua on the Controller and a plugin to run on the server side separately. But this way you won't be able to easily customize the menu through the web UI. Lua would have to send commands to LMS, which then would trigger some action on the server (as defined in your plugin).

That's a lot to learn, I must admit. And I'm not sure you're willing to go there... But let me know if you choose to give it a try anyway. I'll certainly be able to help with the LMS side of things. Unfortunately not so much for the Lua part.


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