Mnyb wrote: 
> Some soldering and tape rescue the cord and barrel conecter frommthe old
> psu find anything 9v ? With suficient amperage ?

If one were inclined to go this route, best to buy a PSA050R-090 (which
is the correct volts and amps) from DigiKey or Allied Electronics, and
then splice the old barrel connector to it. Personally, my skills aren't
good enough to chance it.

Mnyb wrote: 
> I've seen universal suplirs that comes with a whole bunch of diffrent
> conectors and adjustable voltage ?

I posted my message because there was faulty info in this thread. I'm
sure you had the best of intentions, but unfortunately you are muddying
the waters again. I'm not sure what a "suplirs" is, but as I said
before, learn from my mistakes. There may be a whole bunch of different
connectors, but NONE of them will be 3.5mm OD, 1.05mm ID. If anyone
finds a connector or adapter for sale that is 3.5mm OD, 1.05mm ID,
please post a link. Until then, do not buy a universal adapter with a
variety of connectors. It will not help, because none of them will be
3.5mm OD, 1.05mm ID, and you will have wasted your money. 



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