Hi Etienne,

for me, it is very difficult to make sense of speedup times on today's multi-core CPUs. In addition, for the AMG solver, I am not so surprised, because there is no parallel overhead at all for one core. The speedup from two to four cores seems very reasonable. In order to go into more detail, you should do the following:

- Set the verbosity level of the linear solver to 2 by, e.g., providing
Verbosity = 2
in your .input file. Send the complete output of the runs to this list.

- Report/compare the times that are needed by the linear solvers only, as given in the lines "Assemble/solve/update time:" of the output. Comparison is only fair for the same number of Newton steps there.

- Do you use SuperLU for the coarse solves? If not, you might want to apply istl-2.3.0.patch in the patches/ directory to dune-istl in order to reduce the tolerance of the iterative coarse grid solver.

I would recommend the AMG for all parallel runs. As you experienced, the other Dumux parallel solvers get into trouble already for very moderate process numbers. Since we are not able to maintain and definitely not able to improve these solvers, we most likely will get rid of them in the not-to-distant future.

Kind regards

On 10/21/2014 03:07 PM, Etienne Ahusborde wrote:
Dear DuMux developers,

With my colleagues we are working on two-phase multicomponent flow with reactive transport and application to CO2 storage. The problem is decoupled into two subproblems. The first one is devoted to a two-phase two-component flow (H2O-CO2) while the second one is devoted to a one-phase multicomponent reactive transport problem for the other components.

We have successfully performed sequential simulations. No we would like to perform parallel computations but we have some difficulties to chose . In a previous mail, Bernd told to a DUMUX user that for your parallel computations, you used AMG solver. Consequently we performed some tests to compare the performances of the AMG solver in comparison with the solver by default and we found a strange behaviour.

To explain our problem, we have installed the last version 2.6 of DUMUX. We use the CO2 model on a 3D mesh (80000 elements). The problem deals with injection of CO2. We use ALUGRID for the mesh. We want to do only one iteration (DtInitial = 86400, TEnd = 86400) and compare the time of simulation on 1, 2, 4, 8,... processors. The times of simulation are displayed below:

#procs      bicg        amg
1         212.089        315.145
2         118.446        401.046
4         292.873        244.24
6         not done        Stopped coarsening because of rate breakdown

For the bicg, with 4 processors, Newton solver does not converge with Dt=86400 and the simulation needs 4 iterations to reach Tend so the computation is slower than for one processor. For the amg solver, the behaviour is even more strange since the computations is faster with one processor than with two processors. With 6 processors, the computation stopped but I think that it is due to the small size of our mesh. We expected that the amg solver will be faster that the bicg but it is not the case.

Have you already found the same behaviour with your simulation? Is it normal in your opinion? Which solver do you advise us?

We have also seen in the mail announcing the DUMUX 2.6 release that a new direct solver UMFPACK is available. We would like to know how it is possible to test it.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

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Bernd Flemisch                         phone: +49 711 685 69162
IWS, Universität Stuttgart             fax:   +49 711 685 60430
Pfaffenwaldring 61            email: be...@iws.uni-stuttgart.de
D-70569 Stuttgart            url: www.hydrosys.uni-stuttgart.de

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