Hello everybody,

my name is Gergő and I’d like to use DuMuX with Eclipse. I added -DCMAKE_GENERATOR=\"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles\" \ to my CMAKE_FLAGS and received the error “Does not match the generator used previously: Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles Either remove the CMakeCache.txt file and CMakeFiles directory or choose a different binary directory.” even though I haven’t built any DUNE module on the used virtual machine before.

For building, I cloned the 2.4 release of the DUNE core modules and 2.9 of dumux with git in advance (also pdelab 2.0, typetree 2.3 and UG 3.12.1). Without the mentioned generator-flag, everything works fine, but Eclipse cannot resolve some dependencies. I understand the error message that way there are two possibilities, either add a DCMAKE_BINARY_DIR to the CMAKE_FLAGS or delete all files generated by CMake. None of these worked. Before the first build, there are no CMakeCache.txt files or CMakeFiles directories at all in the directories where all DUNE modules lie. I deleted all Makefiles, but that did not solve the problem.

I am quite new to C++ programming and nobody had used CMake at my institute before, so I would be very grateful for some hints why DCMAKE_BINARY_DIR did not worked or what CMake files shall I delete additionally?

With kind regards

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