Hi Jessie,

I am forwarding your email to the dumux-mailing list where you can always write questions and will get help from all the DuMux developers.

Regarding your questions you are absolutely right, you need the Dune core modules to install DuMux. The section you are referring to refers to installation with a script which also downloads the necessary dune modules, that is why you should not have them installed before. If you did not get the script from a download link via http://www.dumux.org/download/ then it is better to follow the explanations on how to install DuMux in section 2.3. or the short explanation on http://www.dumux.org/installation.php.

For you second question you are again right, you do not need to sign up to install DuMux. A username and password is only relevant if you would want to install dumux-devel, which is an old development version of dumux, we are not maintaining anymore so I would recommend you not to install that.

If the instructions in 2.3 do not work for you we can also send you an installation script for a new version in a few weeks. Currently we have some major changes in DuMux and are working on getting a new version ready. There will also be some new examples and a tutorial on how to start using DuMux. You can subscribe to the Mailing List to get information about new versions here: https://listserv.uni-stuttgart.de/mailman/listinfo/dumux.

Best wishes,


On 07/10/2018 02:06 AM, Chao,Jessie Tse-Hua wrote:

Hi Katharina,

My name is Jessie Chao and I'm working on an environmental project at the University of British Columbia in Canada. I am considering to use DuMux which is developed by your research team for modeling gas migration in an aquifer. I've been reading the DuMux manual and the website to figure out how to install the program, and unfortunately I got very confused and wasn't able to complete the installation due to my limited knowledge of Linux. I looked up the contact info on the website and it led me to your email.

I am wondering if it is okay to ask you some questions of how to install DuMux?

1) In the manual, it says "/no DUNE core modules should be installed/ (p.5, sec 2.1)", but somehow I got this impression that DuMux can't run without the DUNE modules such as dune-common/geometry...etc. Is it correct to download and install dune-common/geometry/grid...etc before installing DuMux?

2) On page 5 of the manual (sec. 2.1.1), the code "/$ checkout - dumux-gme-u joeuser//-p password -d DUMUX/". When I tried to put this line in the terminal,  it returned permission denied. To my understanding that I don't need a password and user account to install the program, or do I need to apply one?

I apologize for the lengthy email and thank you very much for your time.

Warm regards,



/Jessie Tse-Hua, Chao, M.S/

/PhD candidate in Hydrogeology/
/Dept of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences,/
/University of British Columbia/
/Project Webpage: http://eeri.ubc.ca/


Katharina Heck                 phone: +49 711 685 64719
IWS, Universität Stuttgart     fax:   +49 711 685 54719
Pfaffenwaldring 61             email: katharina.h...@iws.uni-stuttgart.de
D-70569 Stuttgart              url: www.hydrosys.uni-stuttgart.de

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