Hi Jessie,

I cc this reply to the Dumux mailing list, since it is of interest to other potential users. You should sign up: https://listserv.uni-stuttgart.de/mailman/listinfo/dumux

On 07/10/2018 02:22 AM, Chao,Jessie Tse-Hua wrote:
1) In the manual, it says "/no DUNE core modules should be installed/ (p.5, sec 2.1)", but somehow I got this impression that DuMux can't run without the DUNE modules such as dune-common/geometry...etc. Is it correct to download and install dune-common/geometry/grid...etc before installing DuMux?
"Installed" is meant in the sense of "put into default directories on your operating system". The statement is outdated and misleading. Of course, you need the DUNE core modules to be present somewhere on your system. Installed or not is a matter of personal preference. The easiest way to get to some running Dumux example is described at http://www.dumux.org/installation.php

2) On page 5 of the manual (sec. 2.1.1), the code "/$ checkout - dumux-gme-u joeuser//-p password -d DUMUX/". When I tried to put this line in the terminal,  it returned permission denied. To my understanding that I don't need a password and user account to install the program, or do I need to apply one?

I haven't used the checkout-dumux script for a long time. Try to get things running with the instructions from the website. We'll see to update the script.

Kind regards


/Jessie Tse-Hua, Chao, M.S/

/PhD candidate in Hydrogeology/
/Dept of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences,/
/University of British Columbia/
/Project Webpage: http://eeri.ubc.ca/


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