Hi Edscott,

can you please open an issue at 
https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux/issues ? Due to 
holiday season, it might take us some time to look at this. By opening an 
issue, it won't be forgotten.

Kind regards

Von: Edscott Wilson
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. August, 23:47
Betreff: [DuMuX] memory corruption in brookscorey.hh?
An: DuMuX User Forum

This is weird and should not be happening. I explain.

While debugging a generalized Dirichlet type problem, I am encountering a 
problem with the BrooksCorey material law 

Here is the code from brookscorey.hh:

181             using std::min;
182             using std::max;
184             swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only 
defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
186             return pow(swe, 2.0/params.lambda() + 3);
187         }

Inserting a break before the min(max()) call, I examine the value of swe:

Thread 1 "lswf-chem11" hit Breakpoint 2, Dumux::BrooksCorey<double, 
Dumux::RegularizedBrooksCoreyParams<double> >::krw (params=...,
    swe=6.9319619419652626e-17) at 
184             swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only 
defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
(gdb) print swe
$11 = 6.9319619419652626e-17

Then I step over the min(max() call and re-examine swe and get a corrupted 

(gdb) next
186             return pow(swe, 2.0/params.lambda() + 3);
(gdb) print swe
$12 = -3.9159195083267944e+240

Stepping into the min(max()) function I see that the value which should be 
"1.0" arrives corrupted:

std::min<double> (__a=@0x7fffffffae00: 6.9319619419652626e-17, 
__b=@0x7fffffffae10: -3.9159195083267944e+240)
    at /usr/include/c++/6.3.1/bits/stl_algobase.h:200
200           if (__b < __a)
(gdb) print __b
$16 = (const double &) @0x7fffffffae10: -3.9159195083267944e+240

Looks like the "1.0" is being placed on the stack and being optimized away 
after the max() part completes.

Doing some changes to the code and doing the simple eff2abs law conversion 
within the regularizedbrooksCorey class template, the problem disappears, as 
the following gdb output shows:

Thread 1 "lswf-chem11" hit Breakpoint 3, Dumux::BrooksCoreyV<double, 
Dumux::RegularizedBrooksCoreyVParams<double> >::krw (params=...,
    swe=6.9319619419652626e-17, iS=4.2262753399999999) at 
91              swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only 
defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
(gdb) step
std::max<double> (__a=@0x7fffffffade0: 6.9319619419652626e-17, 
__b=@0x7fffffffadf8: 0) at /usr/include/c++/6.3.1/bits/stl_algobase.h:224
224           if (__a < __b)
(gdb) next
226           return __a;
227         }
Dumux::BrooksCoreyV<double, Dumux::RegularizedBrooksCoreyVParams<double> >::krw 
(params=..., swe=6.9319619419652626e-17, iS=4.2262753399999999)
    at /home/edscott/GIT/LSWF/include/2pncs/materiallaw/brookscoreyV.hh:92
92              return pow(swe, 2.0/params.lambda(iS) + 3);
(gdb) print swe
$18 = 6.9319619419652626e-17


Could there be something amiss in the EffToAbsLaw class template?

Or could it be a gcc bug? (using "gcc (GCC) 6.3.1 20170109" and "GNU gdb (GDB) 

I tried to use gdb within a docker container with "gcc (GCC) 7.3.1 20180312" 
and "GNU gdb (GDB) 8.1" but I get:

(gdb) run
Starting program: 
 -ParameterFile ../SW-b.input
warning: Error disabling address space randomization: Operation not permitted
warning: Could not trace the inferior process.
warning: ptrace: Operation not permitted
During startup program exited with code 127.

Has anybody had luck debugging with gdb within a docker container?

The full g++ compiler command is as follows:

/usr/bin/c++  -Wno-deprecated -ggdb -I/home/dumux/problems/lswf-chem11 
-I/home/dumux/include -I/home/dumux -I/opt/dune/include -DUSE_BC 
-DCACO3_CASO4_MGCO3 -DSIMPLIFIED -DUMF   -pthread -rdynamic 
CMakeFiles/lswf-chem11.dir/lswf-chem11.cc.o  -o lswf-chem11 
-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/openmpi /opt/dune/lib64/libdunefem.a 
/opt/dune/lib64/libdunealugrid.a /opt/dune/lib64/libdunegrid.a 
/opt/dune/lib64/libugS3.a /opt/dune/lib64/libugS2.a /opt/dune/lib64/libugL.a 
/opt/dune/lib64/libdunegeometry.a /opt/dune/lib64/libdunecommon.a -lumfpack 
-lspqr -lldl -lcholmod -lamd -lcamd -lcolamd -lccolamd -lsuitesparseconfig 
-pthread /usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi.so -lmetis -lm -pthread 
/usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi.so -lz -lldl -lspqr -lumfpack -lcholmod -lamd -lcamd 
-lcolamd -lccolamd -lsuitesparseconfig -lsuperlu -lblas -lparmetis -lmetis -lm 
-pthread /usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi.so -lmetis -lm -lpsurface 
/opt/dune/lib64/libdunegrid.a /opt/dune/lib64/libugS3.a 
/opt/dune/lib64/libugS2.a /opt/dune/lib64/libugL.a 
/opt/dune/lib64/libdunegeometry.a /opt/dune/lib64/libdunecommon.a -lparmetis 
-lmetis -lm -pthread /usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi.so -lmetis -lm -Wl,-Bstatic -lVc 
-Wl,-Bdynamic -lgmp -lgmpxx -llapack -lblas -pthread /usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi.so 
/opt/dune/lib64/libdunefem.a /opt/dune/lib64/libdunealugrid.a 
/opt/dune/lib64/libdunegrid.a /opt/dune/lib64/libugS3.a 
/opt/dune/lib64/libugS2.a /opt/dune/lib64/libugL.a 
/opt/dune/lib64/libdunegeometry.a /opt/dune/lib64/libdunecommon.a -pthread 
-lpsurface -lmetis -lm -lz -Wl,-Bstatic -lVc -Wl,-Bdynamic -lgmp -lgmpxx 
/usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi.so -llapack -lblas

Any pointer would be greatly appreciated.

kind regards,


Dr. Edscott Wilson Garcia
Reservoir Engineering
Mexican Petroleum Institute

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