
Timo Koch                                      phone: +49 711 685 64676
IWS, Universität Stuttgart                  fax:   +49 711 685 60430
Pfaffenwaldring 61         email: timo.k...@iws.uni-stuttgart.de
D-70569 Stuttgart             url: www.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/en/lh2/

> On 31. Mar 2020, at 18:46, Dmitry Pavlov <dmitry.pav...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Dear Timo,
>> addRobinFluxDerivatives() is only needed if you want to implement an exact / 
>> analytical Jacobian matrix for your problem. In the default setting DuMux 
>> computes the Jacobian using numerical differentiation and doesn’t need any 
>> user-implemented derivatives.
> I am having trouble now with Newton method not converging sometimes. The 
> convergence depends on the grid size and on the influx input parameter, and I 
> am suspecting the numerical differentiation may be the cause. I played with 
> Assembly.NumericDifference.BaseEpsilon parameter, to no avail.
Hi Dmitry,

I wouldn’t suspect numeric differentiation to be the problem. But it could be…

> So I decided to check out the analytical addRobinFluxDerivatives(). I created 
> a MyLocalResidual class, inherited from TwoPIncompressibleLocalResidual, and 
> implemented addRobinFluxDerivatives() method in it. I also use Assembler = 
> FVAssembler<TypeTag, DiffMethod::analytic> instead of DiffMethod::numeric, of 
> course.
> The program compiles, and does call my method, but the solution diverges 
> dramatically. I checked the derivatives against ones that I calculated 
> numerically, and they are fine, to my understanding anyway. I suspect that 
> maybe I miss something about the units of the derivatives that 
> addRobinFluxDerivatives is supposed to add.
> I supposed that I should calculate the derivatives of the fluxes (in kg / m^2 
> * s, as they are calculated by neumann()) w. r. t. the wetting phase pressure 
> (Pa) and nonwetting phase saturation. Am I correct?

The fluxes are integrated over the sub control volume face for finite volumes 
so the unit should be kg/s, I think. You need to multiply with the flux 
derivatives with the face area (scvf.area()).
Also: which DuMux version are you using? We just fixed some error in the 
implementation of dkrn_dsw today.

Best wishes

> The code snippet is given below for convenience.
>     template<class PartialDerivativeMatrices>
>     void addRobinFluxDerivatives(PartialDerivativeMatrices& 
> derivativeMatrices,
>                                  const Problem& problem,
>                                  const Element& element,
>                                  const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
>                                  const ElementVolumeVariables& curElemVolVars,
>                                  const ElementFluxVariablesCache& 
> elemFluxVarsCache,
>                                  const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf) const
>     {
>       const auto insideScvIdx = scvf.insideScvIdx();
>       const auto& globalPos = scvf.ipGlobal();
>       auto ccGlobalPos = element.geometry().center();
>       auto& dI_dI = derivativeMatrices[insideScvIdx];
>       if (globalPos[0] > problem.bBoxMax()[0] - Problem::eps_) {
>         const MaterialLawParams& mlp = 
> problem.spatialParams().materialLawParamsAtPos(ccGlobalPos);
>         const auto& volVars = curElemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()];
>         Scalar pw = volVars.pressure(0);
>         Scalar sw = volVars.saturation(0);
>         Scalar krw = MaterialLaw::krw(mlp, sw);
>         Scalar krn = MaterialLaw::krn(mlp, sw);
>         const auto& insideScv = fvGeometry.scv(insideScvIdx);
>         auto dKrw_dSn = -1.0*MaterialLaw::dkrw_dsw(mlp, sw);
>         auto dKrn_dSn = -1.0*MaterialLaw::dkrn_dsw(mlp, sw);
>         Scalar gradp = (problem.pwAtBoundary_ - pw) / (globalPos[0] - 
> ccGlobalPos[0]);
>         Scalar dgradp_dpw = - 1.0 / (globalPos[0] - ccGlobalPos[0]);
>         FieldMatrix K = 
> problem.spatialParams().permeabilityAtPos(ccGlobalPos);
>         dI_dI[0][Indices::pressureIdx]   += - volVars.density(0) * 
> volVars.mobility(0) * K[0][0] * dgradp_dpw;
>         dI_dI[0][Indices::saturationIdx] += - volVars.density(0) * dKrw_dSn / 
> volVars.fluidState().viscosity(0) * K[0][0] * gradp;
>         dI_dI[1][Indices::pressureIdx]   += - volVars.density(1) * 
> volVars.mobility(1) * K[0][0] * dgradp_dpw;
>         dI_dI[1][Indices::saturationIdx] += - volVars.density(1) * dKrn_dSn / 
> volVars.fluidState().viscosity(1) * K[0][0] * gradp;
>       }
>     }
> The corresponding code snippet from neumann () is:
>         const auto& volVars = elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()];
>         auto ccGlobalPos = element.geometry().center();
>         FieldMatrix K = this->spatialParams().permeabilityAtPos(ccGlobalPos);
>         Scalar pw = volVars.pressure(0);
>         Scalar dp_dn = (pwAtBoundary_ - pw) / (globalPos[0] - ccGlobalPos[0]);
>         values[0] = - volVars.density(0) * volVars.mobility(0) * K[0][0] * 
> dp_dn;
>         values[1] = - volVars.density(1) * volVars.mobility(1) * K[0][0] * 
> dp_dn;
> Best regards,
> Dmitry
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