
Peter Daum wrote:
> Hi,
> Am I really the only one who suffers from this problem?

I usually redirect the output to a file, or /dev/null.

> At least on my machine the crude little patch that I attached is enough
> to process damaged mpeg files that would otherwise take more than an
> hour within the usual time.

That may happen when dvbcut prints to your terminal. Then your poor old 
CPU has to redraw the screen frequently, and switch back and forth 
between dvbcut, the terminal and the X server, which costs a lot of 
time. You'll probably see a big speed-up if you redirect the output to 
/tmp/dvbcut.log or something.

> Of course it might be advantageous to somehow count the warnings per
> instance (i.e. per contiguous file segment) and display a summary,
> to indicate some measure of how problematic an input file is, but
> IMHO pretty much anything is better than just spill thousands of
> warnings ...

I don't object to that, but the behavior should at least be 
configurable. And the old behaviour should be the default.

Michael "Tired" Riepe <mich...@mr511.de>
X-Tired: Each morning I get up I die a little

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