It seems that the dvbcut muxer has problems with mp2 tracks. I had the 
following problem 
with movies from german channel Pro7: After cutting out the comercial breaks 
and burning to dvd,
video and audio are choppy after a certain cutpoint on standalone dvd players 
(I tested to 
different models). mpg file and dvd run ok with mplayer. The problem occurs 
only, if

- The .rec file has mp2 and ac3 audio and only mp2 is exported (if ac3 or mp2 + 
ac3 are 
exported, everything is ok). I didnt experience the problem, when the rec-file 
has only mp2
audio tracks.

- It only occurs if the dvbcut muxer is used (libavformat muxer works ok)

- It only occurs for certain cutpoints. If the cutpoint is changed by one 
frame, it still exists. 
But if the cutpoint is changed by some frames, it may be gone.

- If the problem occurs at some comercial break (does not need to be the first 
one), the rest of 
the movie is choppy. Everything before that point is ok.

I had this problem with two movies from Pro7. In the last years I made a lot of 
dvds from Pro7 
movies. However, I normally use ac3 and mp2 tracks. This might be the reason, 
why the problem 
didnt come up before.

My rec-Files are from a Topfield TF-5000PVR and I use dvbcut 0.6.0-release/154 
on debian lenny.


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