Hi Joerg,

> question: is their a chance to get a kind of `togglemonocle'
> functionality into dwm without writing it myself? this would
> seem  a frequent demand: activate monocle for some time than
> switch back to tiling (or  whatever  layout  was  in  effect
> previously).

I had a similar demand, and I solved it by using a custom defgeom, as
the following in config.h :

DEFGEOM(full,   0,  sh,    sw, 0,  0,  sw,    sh, wx, wy, sw, sh, mx+mw, wy, 
ww-mw, wh,  wx, wy, ww, wh)

Geom geoms[] = {
        /* symbol       function */
        { "[]",         single },       /* first entry is default */
        { "[f]",        full }, 

With this configuration, I got something similar to togglemax() by
using Ctrl+Mod+Space.



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