On Sep 16, 2008, at 9:16 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The best way to cope with this seems to me to be a key binding for
switching on/off grabbing MOD in dwm. Say, MOD-g, like in
- MOD-3         // goto tag "3", where the dvtm terminal is running
- MOD-G         // stop grabbing MOD
- MOD-j,k,...   // do what I want in dvtm with the dwm/dvtm key bindings
- MOD-G         // (uppercase G!=g dvtm grid layout) start grabbing MOD
- MOD-<.> // back in dwm world

Well, _not grab_ is perhaps better said _pass through_, I don't know ...

Does this sound meaningful?
Is it doable without much overhead?

Probably, but it's most likely unnecessary. All you really need to do is set dwm up to use Mod4 and MODKEY, and add two keybindings:
        Mod4+G -> xmodmap -e "remove mod4 = Alt_L" -e "add mod1 = Alt_L"
        Mod1+G -> xmodmap -e "remove mod1 = Alt_L" -e "add mod4 = Alt_L"

Replace "Alt_L" with whatever key(s) you want to multiplex.

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