i sometimes use dvtm in dwm
well am sticking to using thangs i can get from ubuntu's packages
but this way of combining dvtm & dwm is not smart?

yes i also think that the key-bindings of dvtm is a bit tidious
but if it becomes the same with dwm
i cannot use dvtm in dwm .. right?

if there could be an interactive mode switcher for dvtm
that would be great

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 06:16:41PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> Just a question inspired by this thread:
> * Donald Chai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-08-29 14:10]:
> > Another thing is that since I use dvtm when I can't use dwm, I have  
> > ALT-j cycle through windows, rather than "CTRL-g j". So I don't ever  
> > have to punch in "CTRL-g j CTRL-g j" :)
> I use both dwm and dvtm. And when I am forced to use windoze I use
> cygwin+dwm too, so I almost always use dvtm from within dwm -- when I log
> to other remote machines of mine. (That's why I like the Status bar of dvtm
> too). I slowly get used to type C-g-<whatever> but often it is still a bit
> confusing when I'm not aware that I'm inside dvtm, and expect to move
> around with MOD-<whatever>...
> The best way to cope with this seems to me to be a key binding for
> switching on/off grabbing MOD in dwm. Say, MOD-g, like in
> - MOD-3               // goto tag "3", where the dvtm terminal is running
> - MOD-G               // stop grabbing MOD 
> - MOD-j,k,... // do what I want in dvtm with the dwm/dvtm key bindings 
> - MOD-G               // (uppercase G!=g dvtm grid layout) start grabbing MOD
> - MOD-<.>     // back in dwm world 
> Well, _not grab_ is perhaps better said  _pass through_, I don't know ...
> Does this sound meaningful?
> Is it doable without much overhead?
> Thanks!
> -- 
>  cheers
>  stanio_

podcasting his microtuned music

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