On Dec 11, 2008, at 2:32 AM, Kai Großjohann wrote:

Anselm R Garbe wrote:

I tried different multihead approaches in between 4.9 and 5.1 with dwm. I remember the following: [...]
You haven't mentioned my favorite approach:
Currently, each tag is visible or hidden. Change this so that a tag can be visible on a specific screen. Showing a tag on a screen that is already visible on another screen hides it from that other screen. Thus, a tag is visible on at most one screen.

This relates to the difference between dwm-gtx and "awesome" that I noted earlier. You're suggesting that each screen view a different set of tags, while currently dwm uses the same tag for all screens.

Windows can freely move between screens by just showing its tag on another screen.

This might be suitable for a dynamic window manager, but I personally find that it's too dynamic for my taste, cf. Mate's comment about windows jumping between screens.

Matches my mental model of tags: a tag is a collection of windows that are semantically related and needed for a task. Sometimes I wish to work on a task on one screen, sometimes on the other. For example: I have a "development" task and a "information reading" task (web browser + mail client). If I am currently focusing on development, then it might be useful to browse the web or read some mail on the secondary screen. However, when I am actively working on email, then I might wish to do that on the primary screen.

What if a single task requires two screens? I'm doing some writing right now, and I use one screen for gvim and the other for xpdf (the LaTeX output). I have multiple writing tasks to switch between, so for me, it makes sense to associate both screens with a single tag.

I don't think there will be a consensus over multihead behavior. I propose that we just agree on a few structs and global variables, and then just supply our own layouts (as we've already been doing for the singlehead case). To simplify the code for those not blessed with multiple monitors, maybe we should assume a single tagset and layout to be used for both screens?

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