Anselm R Garbe dixit (2009-02-19, 13:34):

> Hi,
> I dislike the recent addition of the 0 border if only 1 tiled client
> is in the view, reasons:
> - gained screen real eastate is very minimal
> - configure events are increased by n at any view() and toggleview(),
> if n is the number of clients in the view
> - corner cases for togglefloating()
> - I dislike adjustborder() altogether
> So my proposal is: reverting to old behavior (nonoborder), and for
> those who like it, use a config.h function like:
> void toggleborder(const Arg *arg) {
>    borderpx = 1 - borderpx;
>    arrange();
> }
> And then define a key binding for it.
> Opinions?

Agreed. Seems more consistent and elegant. Still, perhaps we can rethink
the concept of some visual indication if there's more than one client in
monocle (some kind sould posted a patch showing [<client>/<total>] next
to the tag bar in monocle mode, perhaps this (or something similar)
could be integrated right into the monocle indicator).



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