In a message dated 6/17/03 12:40:54 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Today we have current totals and all-time totals. Current totals count
 towards DXCC, Honor Roll and Top of the Honor Roll recognitions. All time
 totals, including deleted, count for nothing other than bragging rights and
 a listing once per year (QST or web? I forgot)  (K1MY)

The thing I don't like about Life Time Totals is that everyone has a 
different Starting Point (i.e. a different number of 'countries' that were available 
during their amateur career).  

Most Long Time DXers use negative accounting to track NEEDED countries.  With 
Life Time Totals, there is NO WAY to know how many countries  are still 
Needed since everyone's basis is different.

With Current Countries based listings, EVERY listing can be compared with the 
number of Current Countries Available and a simple subtraction yields the 
number of (current) countries each entrant still needs.

To my mind, the best solution would be to rank the listings by Current 
Countries and append either the number of Deleted Countries Worked or the Life Time 
Totals after each callsign.  This approach recognizes the achievements of both 
the New Kid on the Block and the Old Timer.

I would especially like to see this for the Single Band Awards.  I look 
forward to the implementation of a Spreadsheet Listing of Current Countries per 
Band for the Challenge Listing (even if it does include 6 Meters which I have 
never operated).  

To my mind, the Challenge Listing of Total Band Countries (including 6M) is 
virtually meaningless since it is impossible to determine how those countries 
are divided by band.  The I2EOW TOPBANDS List remains the MOST  INFORMATIVE All 
(HF) Band Current Country Based Listing for DXers.

Tom  N4KG  (New Kid on the Block with only 48 years on the air)

N4KG needs 10 on 80M, 2 on 40M, 1 on 20M, 2 on 15M, 4 on 10M
        and 14 or less on each of the WARC Bands.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to determine those numbers from the LifeTime DXCC Listings
because they include my Deleted Countries Worked on Each Band as well as the 
Current Countries.
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