I can see that there are as many opinions about the DXCC list as there are participants
(active or not).  My question about Tom's ideas concerns the list of current countries
(entities) -- would it be composed of countries that are or could be activated?  In
other words, SV (Mt. Athos), VU7, VU4, P5 can all be activated and may or may not be in
the next decade or two.  Certainly there are others as well.

If a new "entity" falls under the criteria for making it to the list or one falls off
because of political changes then so be it.  DXCC is not like IOTA in terms of defined
numbers of islands that qualify because the world is ever changing.  There will,
however, always be those who will find a loophole to circumvent what was thought to be
a "perfect" system.

Even though I operated from CY9 and CY0, I never agreed with my friends who worked so
hard to have Sable and St. Paul accepted that their work was worth it.  Mind you, I had
the time of my life on each of those DXpeditions.  But the rules were the rules at that
time and a sharp-eyed legal beagle found a pinhole and crawled through it -- Sable and
St. Paul counted.

I do agree that an all-time total be bracketed after the callsign of the participant if
for no other reason than to indicate his/her longevity in the hobby of DXing.  That
would serve to satisfy some egos and help to correct any decisions that no longer fit
with the criteria of the day..

But again, like any government organization, the one that controls DX's "supreme" award
is prone to pressure from lobbyists and agitators and most of us simply sit back and
allow it all to happen.  Money, when combined with ego, talks.




> In a message dated 7/10/03 6:16:49 PM Central Daylight Time,
> <<
>  On another front, the "new" DXCC is clearly the "Challenge" but by not
>  starting fresh and allowing the OTs to scour their QSL files, the
>  League missed an incentive opportunity for the relatively newer DXers.
>  Not exactly a level playing field. In pushing for a fresh start, I
>  pointed out that W4DR would be the first "winner" and the next 10 were
>  equally easy to predict. In the "Challenge"  a golden opportunity was
>  missed.
>  73, Steve WB6RSE >>
> There is another 'gotcha' in the DXCC Challenge, namely the inclusion of SIX
> METERS in the totals.
> Steve is right, there are NO surprises in the DXCC Challenge Listings.  Just
> look at the I2EOW TOPBANDS List and then add in the 6M DXCC Totals and you can
> accurately predict the Top DXCC Challenge listees.
> Note that the Top Guns in the USA on 6M have around 140 'entities' on that
> band.  This means that a Top Gun HF (only) DXer will still be 140 'points' below
> W4DR, W1JR, K8MFO, and others with high 6M totals after spending hundreds of
> $$$ to have their 12, 15, 17, 20, and 30M QSL's 'verified' by ARRL.
> Unfortunately, the DXCC Challenge Listing consists ONLY of the TOTAL number
> of Band Countries, including SIX Meters.  Hopefully they will eventually come
> out with a TOPBANDS like listing that includes the number of (Current) DXCC
> Entities by BAND as well as the Total.
> Using LifeTime numbers for the Single Band DXCC Listings is another 'gotcha'.
>  I grind my teeth when I look at the 40M DXCC Listing for example.  I only
> need TWO entities on that band (BS and P5) but am 16 entities behind the leader,
> W8AH because AL has another 14 DELETED entities that I will never be able to
> add to my totals.  It's WAY past time to use CURRENT ENTITIES for the DXCC
> Listings.  If the OT's want recognition for their Deleted Totals, I have no
> objection to showing LifeTime or Deleted Totals following each call in the listing,
> but lets use Current Countries for the Basis of the Listings!
> Tom  N4KG  (with only 48 years of DXing under my belt)
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