ALL I suggested was a way to make the spots more useful.....  Some of us really enjoy studying propagation and enjoy trying to learn a little from time to time.  If a station is hearing the DX and I am not I am very interested in learning why - which usually ends in a lesson in propagation / antenna interaction / QTH etc.
When a W5 spots the DX and I can't hear the dx sometimes the W5 is actually on the east coast or the west coast - which could explain a lot.  My suggesting has nothing to do with making working the dx any easier and has nothing to do with an "easier softer way." 
I think you should not get credit for working DX unless you mined all the minerals in your radio like the cooper and aluminum and then manufactured the components and then personally built the rig from the parts you personally made.  The design would have to original of course.  Then of course you could only use an antenna if it was totally a new design as you certainly would not want to use an antenna that makes it easier to work the dx - that would somehow be cheating and someone would accuse you of not trying.  Don't put the antenna on a tower - in fact dig a hole 80 feet deep and bury the antenna.  Then you go cut down some trees and make the paper stock for your log book...then...then...  and don't forget that you should surrender your license and then get another license if you can find a hard way to get it - like find a VEC that makes you stand on your head with cotton in your ears and still copy 85 wpm to get your new license.  Then, and only then, can you say it was not 'given' to you on a silver platter.
Sorry if I offended anyone - but I feel better :-)
Now, could we get back to improving the usefulness of the spots?
73 de N5PHT, Gary

Dean Norris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 08:37 10/10/2003, you wrote:
>You can just put so much on a line. Space now already limits the
>information. But, whatever. Gone are the days when one worked DX
>by the seat of his pants. No spots, no DX editors, etc.
>73 de John N6JM

But John,

I want it set up so that when a country I need is spotted, my radio gets on
the precise freq. needed to ensure the contact on the first call, swings
the store bought 22 element beam at 300', keys the rig (either voice OR
that other didah mode), sends the report, logs the contact (after proper
assurance of accurate call exchange), searches for QSL manager info, prints
the QSL, stuffs the envelope with $$ or IRCs, applies postage, drops mail
box, retrieves his QSL 33 seconds later and gets ARRL to acknowledge.

Whew, I didn't realize it was that hard. How DID I work those first 320

Flame away fellas/gals but that is what it is coming to!


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