
If you phone supports email, you can use DX Central to send an email to
your phone - although not in real time.  An hour is the smallest increment
you can get them (at this point).

The messages are not formatted to be phone friendly, but might work for
you.  Did you have something specific in mind?  We might be able to work
together to get something going.

I have often thought about formatting the spots as text messages and
sending them "realtime", but never ventured there.  I have kind of let the
site run on auto-pilot for well over a year, but this morning on the way
into work I was thinking it was about time to roll out some new features.
I have lots of ideas in my head, but DX Central has taken a back seat to
other "life activities".

Kelly - N0VD

On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Bill Hawkins wrote:

> Are any of the spot reflectors such as DX Summit or DXScape configured for
> receiving on cell phone internet connections?
> I need to see spots when there is no computer around!
> Thanks
> Bill W5EC

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