On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, Steve-KF2TI wrote:

> 9th Annual WAS Award
> And speaking of prestigiousÂ…do you know what WAS stands for?  If you
> guessed Worked All States, you'd be half correct.  The other half who
> answered Worked all Steve's would also get a prize.  Steve, KF2TI,
> Steve, KB2ENF, Steve, N2IFA and Kurt, W2MW (who we also call Steve)
> will again be taking their Dx-pedition to Newington, CT and getting
> W1AW on the air for this rare award, after a year off.  December 28,
> 2005 starting at 1 PM EST is when we are planning to get 30CW, 20M
> and hopefully 10 and 15 SSB up and running.  Work any of the 4
> "Steve's" and we will send you a beautiful multi-color certificate
> (suitable for framing).  We don't even need your QSL as we will have
> copies of the log and work off those.
> Anyway, just a couple things to keep DX'ers busy during the solar
> decline
> That's it fellow Dexters, back to the shadows again, but remember
> Shoes for Industry and more science for More Science High
> The future fair. A fair for all and no fair for anybody
> If it goes in, it must come out
> How can you be in 2 places at once when you're not anywhere at all
> Don't use your hands, use your entrenching tool
> He's just a government tweenie

No, no, no! You don't understand how radio works!  All I have to do is 
fade my voice out like this and cue the organist ...

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