Royal Mail (for all their other faults) are usually pretty good at this kind of thing.  Since St Helena is so small, I'd have thought that if it got to the post office there, then it would have been delivered.  Hell, I've received cards via Royal Mail addressed to "Amateur Radio G0OIL, Sheffield, England" - Sheffield is MUCH bigger than St Helena and we don't even live there - we live 30 miles away!
I suspect that the fault lies with some goof at USPS who thinks that the world extends from WA to ME and from the Rio Grande to the 49th parallel.....
73  Dave G0OIL

Peter W2IRT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 04:29 PM 05/17/2006, Jerry Keller wrote:
I've sent a card to Peter ZD7FT twice now using his QRZ.COM address, and twice it's been returned to me... (intact, including GS) ... stamped "Insuifficient address".  I was going to try again, this time sending it "VIA UK" but thought I'd ask for opinions first.  Anyone had any luck?

From my experience, I'd use the following format:

Peter Constantine
PO. Box 33


Every one I've sent like that has been delivered and I've gotten return cards. Who stamped insufficient address, incidentally? If the USPS, someone needs to give their heads a shake. If Royal Mail, I'd be somewhat surprised.



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