I am not for blacklisting but it perhaps has its place. That being said, I would love to discover what really works as nothing I have tried so far seems to diminish that activity of calling incessantly regardless of who the DX is coming back to. I have heard of folks who work a station, then just not log it but I don't want to go there. I find no matter how frustrated I get at the moment, I work another ten or fifteen stations and the specifics are forgotten even though the general memory lingers. I prefer it that way.

Over the course of two or three DXpeditions, one comes to grips with this and lives with it. After all, if the station came back to N0YG and I didn't hear, because of whatever reason, the N0, especially with my call being W0, I hope I won't be blacklisted or not logged.

That's my two cents worth. Again, I just live with it and do my thing my way, never leave a partial call.


Charlie, W0YG..>>

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