While I am proud to be the first USA ham to make a DX contact on the then-new 60meter band, I have to remind USA hams that this band was approved for USA use with the assertion that it was needed for emergency communications, mostly with USA to Carrib stations during hurricanes. It is likely that QST chose not to print my DX achievement so as not to highlight the DX dimension of the new 60m band. (Altho that news did go on the ARRL web site.) I was also one of the dozen or so hams with an experimental license to do the preliminary ops on this band when it was at the testing stage. Nice band if a sliver.

It is ironic that this band has seen very little use of its first intended purpose. Especially is it sad that the Hurricane Watch Net apparently has not availed itself of this ideal frequency to continute contact to the Carrib. when 20m closes for the nights. 73

Charles Harpole

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