Of COURSE we send money along with our QSL cards with the expectation of a return -- IF we are in your log. It ISN'T a bribe. It's to cover your card, logging and postage expenses. Anything over that is a gift, and we don't expect or want a refund for any unused portion.

If we sent a donation BEFORE a trip, it would be just that -- a donation, and we would NOT expect a card in return -- but we WOULD QSL separately with another GS or two to cover the QSLing expense and, so long as we are in the log, expect a card in return.

No sir. When you get a card with a contact that's in your log, plus a buck or two, you ARE obligated (in my book) to return one to me, with that same contact confirmed.

Even ROMEO QSL'd 100%.


Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur
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