
Don't feel bad about the weird cell phone calls. My XYL and I were in Reno on a mini-vacation four years ago and while I was there and for months after I got back I received phone calls and voice mails for some over-the-road long haul trucker. I got calls and voice mails from his girlfriends, dispatchers wanting him to pickup a load, and shippers wondering where their loads were.

My cell phone account wasn't hijacked or anything like that because I never had a sudden increase in minutes used. What was the most bother was I had to listen to all of "his" messages and delete them before I could get to the ones left by my family. Listening to voice mail messages however did use up my minutes.

Even weirder than that was a year or so ago apparently a student at a predominately Hispanic high school in West Fort Worth (some 25 miles from us) listed my XYL Cheryl's (WY5H) cell phone number as his "home" number. She received I don't know how many calls and voice mail messages in Spanish from the attendance office about the student cutting class. My limited Spanish (from high school in the early 1960s) couldn't decipher much of the voice mail, so I had to listen to it several times to finally translate all the digits in the attendance office phone number. I called the attendance office and said 1. we don't live in West Fort Worth, nor the Fort Worth Independent School District, 2. We don't have a son attending this high school (our youngest was in college in East Texas at the time) and 3. listening to all those calls and voice mail messages ran up my minutes.

The attendance office secretary promised to remove my XYL's cell phone number from that particular student's records. However, when the calls continued for several more weeks I called again and threatened to write the school principal and the school superintendent a letter complaining about it. That finally got some action.

73 de Tom, WW5L

Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
My thanks to all who helped out in my quest to track down my brother, and
especially to Dave G4GED and Dave G0OIL, both of whom independently and
almost simultaneously let me know what the problem was:  The area code for
the part of London my brother lives in changed!

And I thought that only happened here (my cell phone STILL gets phone calls
for a commercial ceramics business -- the SW PA area code split "only"
happened about 8 - 9 years ago!)

73, ron w3wn

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