You need to think about it and decide why to send them in at all. In almost 40 years, I've only sent in for Mixed and RTTY. All the band-mode stuff I just track for my own satisfaction in DX4WIN. I don't need any more wallpaper. I don't even bother sending for QSLs for the band-mode stuff - only if it's a brand new one (which there aren't any unless you count FJ) or a new RTTY country (3 or so.)

Barry W2UP

Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
As I've mentioned from time to time, being the master procrastinator that I
am, I never did get around to sending in anything towards DXCC.

Well, I finally decided enough is enough is enough, and I will be visiting
with the local DXCC card checker before the end of the year to finally get
off my keister and get it done.

Only question is... which set of cards to send?

I'd hoped to have my 30 M DXCC completed by now, so that I could send in
Mixed, CW, & 30 all at the same time with the same cards.  Alas, unless the
postal carrier is kind to me today, I'm going to fall about 4 cards shy, so
that's out.

Regardless, I can send in a set of cards for Mixed, either CW or SSB, or any
single band 80/40/20/15/10.  I might have single mode on one band, but I
haven't filtered the database that tightly yet; if I do, that will probably
be "the" candidate to get a "3 for 1" submission.

But, assuming that I don't... would you send in for a single mode (which
one?) or a single band (which one?)?


73, ron w3wn

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Barry Kutner, W2UP Newtown, PA

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