Exactly - she's out there doing it and that goes a long way in my book.


Jim wrote:

Furthermore, if it's the same YL I'm thinking of, she's the first Indian national to participate in a DXpedition outside of India, and her primary experience before this was PSK-31. I think I posted an article on the DX-News reflector within the last month or two.

As many have said in the past, if you think you can do a better job yourself, why aren't you there instead?

73 - Jim AD1C
On 2/10/2008 6:35 AM, Duane, WV2B wrote:

Last evening I spent a good amount of time listening to the TI9KK operation on 14.205. Frankly I was amazed that the YL op could get anything out of the undisciplined, continuous-calling mess.

But I was absolutely horrified when after the YL signed off stations started commenting that they hope they have better operators, and harshly criticizing the operator. Do these ill-mannered people {without the nerve to identify} realize that even though the op signed off she was likely still listening on the frequency?

Perhaps the operator was not the most experienced, but did the pileup operators do anything to make it the least bit easier on her? No. What about the station in the Carri bean who repeated the first 2 letters of his call phonetically for 20 seconds or more at a time? Or all the others who continued calling when the call identified obviously was nothing similar to theirs? Multiply that by 10 and that was what the yL had to work through.

What about the General Class operators heard? Come on guys. If you want to be a DXer spend $25 for the manual, memorize the answers and upgrade. Why do you think you should be adding to your DXCC total by operating on frequencies not allowed by your license? Too bad ARRL doesn't have the nerve to disqualify these guys.

It amazes me that DXers appear to be reasonable people in their lives otherwise. Most are professionals, but they can't figure out that transmitting while the DX station is transmitting, when the call identified is not them, or continuously for long periods of time is just stupid.

And, even on a simplex operation the policeman are there. The YL asked folks to stand by for 5 minutes. of course, some kept calling. So certain stations felt obliged to lecture the pileup for the whole 5 minutes about how they were supposed to be standing by, somehow missing the fact that they were also ignoring the direction and not standing by. What good were they doing? And of course, unidentified.

So, when criticism of the DX is considered, consider turning the DX mirror the other way as well. If we take a good look we might be surprised what we see if we take an honest look.

That YL went there to help others by giving them a contact. And they rudely insulted her, and harshly criticized her. That was totally uncalled for, If you want to criticize, criticize the operators who prevented her from doing a good job.

If a guest came to your house and brought you a gift, would you criticize them because you didn't think they did a good job wrapping it, or maybe wasn't what you were expecting or hoping for? No that would be rude. So why do it to Dxpeditioners. They went there to give you a gift, the actions of the recipients prevented many from receiving the gift, and they blamed the giver.

Of course, surely these were all inexperienced DXers just getting started, right? Given a chance, hopefully they will learn better and not keep repeating the same mistakes, right? And, when they take the time away from work and their families, and travel on a boat for 40 hours, and live on the boat, and take a rowboat into the jungle and operate I am sure they will show us just how it is done, won't they?

Hopefully the YL did not hear those comments and won't decide to lump the whole thing. She has good reason to.

73, Duane, WV2B


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