> After my first QSO with TX5C, I decided to adopt the Japanese technique of
> never sending a signal report until after your callsign is sent – and
> received -- correctly.

Very good idea, I will absolutely do that in the future.

>(It goes without saying that once they do have your
> callsign, don't send it again.)

The flip side of that, of course, is that I'm ever on a DXPedition and
a guy is sending his call 10 times back at me , I'll assume that
whatever I sent him is wrong ;-)  But yeah, I've learned the hard way
that most *DO* assume that, and sending your call again if they have
it right is a trigger for them to change what they wrote down.

Of course, I guess there's a chance N3MX was actually in there... he
certainly had other band modes, but given the long drawn out attempt
it doesn't seem likely.  I do end up in a lot of pileups on 160 with
K3OX and he usually beats me ;-)


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