----- Original Message ----- 
  Cc: DX Chat 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 12:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] on line logs


  Online logs preceeded K7C by quite a bit. They are the first op that posted 
real-time listing of your call when they were or had just worked you. That is 
on-line logs on steroids. The more they give us, the more be expect everyone to 
do it and are disturbed when they don't do it quite the way we want them to. 

  The Clipperton gang limped back onto their boat a tired and beaten group of 
people. They suffered quite a bit. Can't we just cut them a little slack and 
let them do things when they have time to do them. If you are not in the log, 
there is no way of now trying to repeat a contact. Not all apparent contacts 
end up in the log. There is way too much wasted bandwidth on this topic.

    -------------- Original message -------------- 
    From: Todd Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
    Uh, on line logs were pretty much non existent before the last Kure Is 
Dxpedition, K7C. Maybe I am a little off but not by much. my point is that it 
is a fairly new feature that is a luxury a lot of people seem to think is 
compulsory of the DXpedition to provide. 

    Hey it is nice to see if your Q's are in the log but what did you do 5+ 
years ago? Send in your card and hope for the best.

    Otherwise just wait until they post it and have fun with ham radio in the 





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