K1DG grafted a Heil BM10 mike to a Bose headset.


73 - Jim AD1C

--- Peter Dougherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, it's finally happened again, as I knew it would, My Heil ProSet 
> Quiet Phones have self-destructed for the fourth time in three years. 
> I really love these when they work, but it's now obvious that the 
> design is badly flawed and I'm not interested in throwing good money 
> after bad in re-re-re-repairing them.
> I'm looking at the Bose QC-2 phones right now and so far they look 
> nice--but the obvious problem is no microphone. I recalled reading an 
> article about 2 years ago on how someone managed to fashion a Heil 
> element to some kind of homebrew boom on these phones but I'll be 
> darned if I can find it. Has anybody here done this or know of the article?
> Has anybody else come out with an active noise reduction headset/boom 
> mic that's actually built well? I'm thinking maybe something from the 
> broadcast industry (i.e. what sideline announcers at football games 
> wear or something along that line)?
> I can use my Pro Set Plus phones, which are really nicely built, but 
> but that means giving up the active noise reduction feature, 
> something I do not want to do.
> Suggestions anyone?
> Regards,
> Peter,
> W2IRT 

Jim Reisert AD1C/Ø, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.us

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